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adesso BLOG


In the first part of my blog post, I focussed on the general opportunities and challenges of AI as well as specific applications of generative AI. The second part deals with the application of AI in the various phases of the customer journey.

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This blog post explains what foundation models are, shows advantages and technical details and compares different models with each other.

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Inside adesso

The adesso Development Tandem - adt for short - is a personnel development programme based on the proven principles of the Effectuation approach and offers the opportunity to explore and shape your own career options. We took part in adt 2024 and would like to tell you more about it.

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23.07.2024 By Tobias Kirsch

Use Case – AI in the social sector

Picture Tobias Kirsch

As you may have gathered from the first blog post, "Volunteering and its parallels in everyday IT", by Johannes Bayerl and myself, the social sector is very close to my heart. By chance, the Italian adesso Stefano Mainetti came across our post and shared it on his LinkedIn network. In doing so, he also referred to an interesting adesso project from Italy.

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22.07.2024 By Volker Mull

Insurers operate on the open heart

Picture Volker Mull

The insurance industry is facing profound change: outdated systems need to be modernised in order to meet the expectations of young, digitally savvy customers and to counter rising cost pressure. The use of AI and digital platforms plays a decisive role in this. But how can the transition from traditional mainframes to future-proof business platforms be achieved? I answer this question in my blog post.

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Digital Experience

How can artificial intelligence (AI) not only be used to make processes more efficient and intelligent, but also to transform SAP CX solutions into sales and service assistants and marketing futurists? In my blog post, I answer this question and show you the potential that AI still offers in the SAP CX environment.

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Software Development

Do you have a box of leftovers at home? A box where you don't know exactly what's in it. It could contain anything. If you're looking for something, then definitely have a look in this box. In our repos you will occasionally find boxes with names like "Common" or "Shared". This blog post explains how to sort them correctly.

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Digital Experience

Is it still a major challenge these days to make digital services equally accessible to everyone without anyone being disadvantaged? Let's find out what digital accessibility means, who it helps and why this topic should be focussed on even more.

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At the end of February 2024, the International Association of Standardisation Organisations (IAF/ISO) decided to include the aspect of climate change and climate adaptation as a mandatory addition to the existing standard requirements in chapters 4.1 and 4.2. This blog post presents topics that may become relevant for companies in this context.

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