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The European Union’s proposed AI Act will make working with artificial intelligence (AI) on a daily basis even more complex. Some potential AI applications might end up on a blacklist, while others remain untouched, but in a way, both applications use the same technology. It feels like AI roulette. The entire situation is poised to cause doubts during the idea phase of potential AI applications – namely, is my AI idea allowed? This is a question that crops up a lot at the moment.

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Large language models (LLMs) such as Aleph Alpha or OpenAI are shaking up the world. ChatGPT has sparked discussions about AI. While AI models make life easier, they also pose new challenges. However, not only can we use LLMs to gather information, but we can also use them to make decisions for us and ask them for help. But how reliable is this technology and would we trust it with a human life? I will answer these questions in my blog post.

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Data is the basis for all business processes as well as a company’s value chain. Purchasing customer data records allows companies to place highly customised, targeted product offers, which increases conversion rates and subsequently sales. This is exactly where digital regulation comes in to play. In our blog post, we will explain what this looks like and how regulatory changes affect AI and data projects.

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29.09.2022 By Lilian Do Khac

Trustworthy AI – user-centred requirements

Picture Lilian Do Khac

The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) at a company can lead to increased complexity as well as the greater potential

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After taking a bird’s eye view of the holistic framework of trustworthy AI in the first blog post of this series, I would now like to delve deeper into the topic. In this blog post, I will take a look at the core requirement in the trustworthy AI field, namely ‘trust’. I will also elaborate on aspects regarding the division of labour between humans and machines.

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The trustworthy characteristics of an artificial intelligence (AI) are addressed in the context of Trustworthy AI. The spectrum of requirements for Trustworthy AI ranges from the AI’s design to its functions, all the way to its operation. At this point, you’re justifiably asking yourself: where should we start, and where’s the end? A holistic framework is used to create an overview, which, in turn, can be broken down into small parts. In my blog post, I’ll briefly present such a framework and highlight individual aspects of it.

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