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08.12.2023 By Olaf Neugebauer

The three pillars of an IoT factory

Picture Olaf Neugebauer

If you want to develop viable, successful solutions over the long term and also be able to evaluate and channel the potential of the Internet of Things, IoT needs to be strategically anchored at your organisation. This is where the IoT factory comes in handy. I will explain what that is in my blog post.

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An anomaly is a data point or pattern in a time series that differs from the data you would typically expect to receive. Anomaly detection deals with the task of identifying these irregularities. In this blog post, we will be presenting approaches used to analyse time series data and detect anomalies. Along with that, you will also find out how to successfully integrate the algorithms into a smart product platform.

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Many established SMEs in the manufacturing industry in Germany struggle with the challenge of using heterogeneous machinery: they operate machines made by different manufacturers, some of which are newer than others, and some of which are used more than others – all depending on their company’s individual history. If we are talking exclusively about digitalising and standardising these types of manufacturing environments in the sense of modern Industry 4.0 applications, then there is one question in the industry that is more pressing than any other: is a conversion or retrofit worthwhile at all?

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19.06.2023 By Olaf Neugebauer

How predictive maintenance reduces downtime

Picture Olaf Neugebauer

Employing predictive maintenance can effectively solve the industrial production nightmare caused by idle machines and expensive service calls and technician call-outs. In this blog post, I will explain how predictive maintenance can be used to reduce machine downtime and the amount of money spent on service calls.

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While the first part of this blog series dealt with the technology of narrowband-IoT and in the second part I went into the specifics of communication based on MQTT-SN via NB-IoT, the third and final part of the series will focus on the aspect of security, which is critical for the Internet of Things.

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22.05.2023 By Christopher Krafft

A protocol stack for narrowband IoT (part 2)

Picture Christopher Krafft

While the first part of my blog series focused on the technology of NB-IoT, the second part will discuss the technical aspects of using it, as the advantages of transmitting data using narrowband IoT are quickly squandered if it is used incorrectly.

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This blog post is the first part of a series on the topic of narrowband IoT and the special features that it entails when it comes to data transmission. In this part, I will introduce the technology as well as indicators that speak for or against the use of narrowband IoT.

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Imagine the following scenario: manufacturing companies see the suppliers’ stock levels in the system and can say exactly when the delivery will be made, and bottlenecks no longer exist because the required amounts of product have been (re)ordered with the help of predictive monitoring. This will be possible in the future – namely with a self-driving supply chain. I will present this concept in more detail in my blog post.

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17.10.2022 By Fernando Arévalo

Remote Troubleshooting on the Shop Floor

Picture Fernando Arévalo

If machines fail because of faults, the consequences are stress, increased maintenance effort, additional costs for special logistics to meet deadlines, or dissatisfied customers. Remote troubleshooting helps to quickly master this situation. I explain how this works and what advantages this approach offers in this blog post.

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