adesso BLOG
11.07.2024 By Maximilian Tore Becker
Data integration and licensing: How Microsoft regulates multiplexing
Multiplexing is about how different connections are bundled to enable access to servers and services. In this blog post, I will show you exactly what multiplexing means, how this technology works and what different types there are.
Read more05.07.2024 By Tobias Kosten
Sustainability management: data as the key to the future viability of companies
Environmental awareness and sustainability are becoming increasingly important. Companies are faced with the challenge of making their business activities and their environmental impact transparent and credible. In my blog post, you can find out how the right data can help to meet these requirements and why it is the key to a company's future viability.
Read more06.03.2024 By Stefan Klempnauer
Jsonnet as an accelerator for metadata-driven data pipelines
Metadata-driven data pipelines are a game changer for data processing in companies. These pipelines use metadata to dynamically update processes instead of manually revising each step every time a data source changes. As with data pipelines, metadata maintenance can be a bottleneck in the maintenance and further development of a pipeline framework. In this blog post, I use practical examples to show how the Jsonnet template language makes it easier to maintain metadata.
Read more14.02.2024 By Mohammad Qasem
An introduction to the EU Data Act
European legislators have imposed strict regulation on the digital space in recent years. In addition to the much-discussed EU IoT Act, other important regulations such as the Data Governance Act and the Data Act have come into force. The Data Act in particular has attracted special attention due to its impact on IoT device manufacturers, service providers and start-ups. The Data Act, which entered into force on 11 January 2024, will apply from September 2025. In my blog post, I discuss its objectives, effects and requirements for all stakeholders.
Read more21.11.2023 By Sebastian Dienst
Data governance – more interesting than you might think
In an increasingly digitalised world, the systematic collection, interpretation and use of data is becoming a factor in success. If a company fails to do this, it will lose a key tool needed to stay competitive and innovate in the age of digitalisation. In my blog post, I explain why data governance is important for companies and how adesso can support them in this area.
Read more31.05.2023 By Uwe Römgens
125 years of sales models: from AIDA to the messy middle
A look at the past 125 years shows that there are plenty of exciting sales models that help every organisation to better understand the current sales and decision-making behaviour of modern customers and to align their marketing measures accordingly. Each of these models presents interesting ideas and approaches to the world of data-driven marketing that can help companies refine their understanding of end customers and understand them better. I will show you which models in my blog post.
Read more03.02.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Maximilian Hammes and Jonas Schnorrenberg
Are business intelligence maturity models relevant for the energy sector?
Business intelligence (BI) maturity models are used to find out how far along a company is in terms of digitalisation and data use. In our blog post, we will explain how maturity models help with classification, whether the Interaction Room is an alternative way to apply them and, if it is, whether it can be used as a basis to successfully improve BI in the holistic consultancy process.
Read more12.12.2022 By Tim Strohschneider
Artificial intelligence continues to gain ground
The demand for innovative AI-based transformer models is hard to ignore. Great advancements in development have been made in recent years, especially in areas such as machine translation and speech and text recognition. This blog post will describe how transformer technologies are used in language models.
Read more10.10.2022 By Uwe Pohlmann and Fernando Arévalo
A Preamble for Machine Data Collection on the Shop Floor
Finding patterns in data is a task that keeps data scientists as well as domain experts busy. For companies, data is a critical business asset that adds value. To this end, store floor connectivity plays an essential role. I explain what this is all about in my blog post using a (fictional) example.
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