adesso BLOG
03.08.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak and Felix Magdeburg
Vehicle-to-grid – the Holy Grail of storage solutions?
Storing electricity remains one of the key challenges of the energy transition. But which solution is the best? There a number of concepts out there, such as vehicle-to-home, vehicle-to-load and vehicle-to-grid. In our blog post, we will explain what this is all about and which solution is the best.
Read more24.07.2023 By Simon Bächle, Zoe Holdt and Timo Hartmann
More than just a contract – power purchase agreements as a driver for innovation
While electricity prices on the stock market are subject to ever greater fluctuations these days, off-market contracts, known as power purchase agreements, can provide a solution. These agreements can not only provide protection against volatile prices, but also boost the expansion of renewable power plants. You will learn exactly what this is all about in this blog post.
Read more21.07.2023 By Wolfgang Weber
Grid fees for gas – quo vadis?
In this blog post, I will first present the system of grid charges for electricity and gas grid operators in Germany and the influence that grid fees have on the price of gas for household customers. I will then explain why I believe that grid fees (and thus also the gas price) will rise. Finally, I will offer a prediction of what a financial relief package can and cannot provide and what consequences consumers and grid operators should take away from this.
Read more13.07.2023 By Andreas Essl and Wolfgang Weber
Key performance indicators and dashboards are a key internal management tool for revenue optimisation for grid operators
Reports and key performance indicators (KPIs) create transparency that is of great use for many departments at a company. Using dashboards is recommended since they are a cost-effective tool for grid operators in view of the limited budgets available to them. In our blog post, we will be focusing on dashboards that provide grid operators with business and financial KPIs.
Read more28.06.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak and Felix Magdeburg
Mobility: Getting ready for 2050
Climate change, digitalisation and crises are forcing the hands of companies, organisations and governments. The EU Commission has set itself the goal of being climate neutral by 2050. There is not much time left and it is a tricky job. Inertia in the systems make change difficult. So what needs to be done to achieve these goals? Industries such as the energy and automotive industries play an important role. We need to realise a transition in the power, heat and transport sectors; and sector coupling and electrification are two relevant trends. We will look at mobility and, in particular, electromobility in this blog post.
Read more13.06.2023 By Tim Bunkus, Andreas Essl and Wolfgang Weber
Grid and analytics – data innovations and data use case analytics for electricity distribution grid operators to speed up the energy transition
Data innovations and data analytics use cases are an issue in the energy industry. Grid operators are sitting on mountains of unused data, meaning they are unable to properly exploit synergy effects and efficiency potentials. This blog post will explain how fully integrated processes, systems and data can help speed up the energy transition.
Read more06.06.2023 By Ellen Szczepaniak, Simon Bächle and Zoe Holdt
Integrating e-vehicles and utilising their flexibility in a virtual power plant
New sales records for e-vehicles are set every year. But how can their load profile be coordinated in a way that is viable or even integrated to serve the grid? In this blog post, we will present the potentials of integrating e-vehicles into virtual power plants.
Read more01.06.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Jonas Schnorrenberg and Maximilian Hammes
Greenhouse gas emissions in Germany
Climate change and the associated rise in global temperatures are having a massive impact on people and nature all over the world. Germany, as an industrial nation, has a special responsibility in this regard. In this blog post, we will look at the current greenhouse gas balance in Germany and give you an overview of the most important facts as well as measures to reduce emissions.
Read more23.05.2023 By Stephen Lorenzen, Jonas Schnorrenberg and Maximilian Hammes
Gas prices – a new ‘low’ has been reached
Although gas prices are currently low, a warning has been issued against being too optimistic, as Europe could be facing more challenges. In this blog post, we will explain which factors are behind the drop in prices and how this development should be classified.
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